• Article:
    Mineralogy, petrography and geology of the Nedvědice marbles, Svratka Crystalline Complex; a review (2006/1–2)
    Houzar, S., Novák, M., Doležalová, H., Hrazdil, V., Pfeiferová, A., 2006: Přehled mineralogie, petrografie a geologie nedvědických mramorů, svratecké krystalinikum. – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 91, 1–2, 3–77 (with English summary)

    Mineralogy, petrography and geology of the Nedvědice marbles, Svratka Crystalline Complex; a review Nedvědice marbles occur in a narrow belt situated along the eastern and northeastern margin of the Svratka Crystalline Complex (Moldanubian Zone). Elongated bodies of calcite marbles up to 150 m long and 40 m thick, with abundant...

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  • Article:
    Mineralogy, petrography and history of the classical lepidolite pegmatite occurrence in Rožná near Bystrice nad Pernštejnem, western Moravia; an overview (1998/1–2)
    Novák, M., Houzar, S., Pfeiferová, A., 1998: Přehled mineralogie, petrografie a historie klasické lokality lepidolitového pegmatitu v Rožné u Bystřice nad Pernštejnem, západní Morava. – Acta Mus. Morav., Sci. Geol., 83, 1–2, 3–48 (with English summary)

    Mineralogy, petrography and history of the classical lepidolite pegmatite occurrence in Rožná near Bystrice nad Pernštejnem, western Moravia; an overview The Rožná pegmatite, a classical Moravian locality studied from the 18th century, is located in the north – easternmost part of the Strážek Moldanubicum, along the contact with the Svratka...

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